(Yogyakarta, 1924 - 1966) |
oil on canvas
pencil on paper
ink on paper
oil on canvas
oil on canvas
oil on canvas laid on board
oil on canvas
oil on canvas
oil on canvas laid on board
oil on canvas laid on board
Although his collection of landscape paintings mostly shows the beauty of nature, in his speech welcoming the commemoration of Indonesian Independence in 1964, President Sukarno claimed:
everyone knows that I am a fan of fine arts, sculpture, painting, and others. I prefer ocean paintings with waves lapping with passion, rather than painting the fields are cool and calm, kadyo siniram banyu wayu sewindu lawasé.
Indeed, several paintings that show the great impact of waves on the beach are found in the Sukarno Collection. It is clear that the dynamism of the roar of the sea waves that caught his attention. For him, the wave paintings sparked a surge of enthusiasm.
For the President, paintings are not merely decoration, but can also reflect the dynamics of the nation and state. Sukarno saw the clash of sea waves on the coast or rocks as a metaphor of the movement and turmoil of discussion or even social, political, and economic debate that needed to be done for unity, not for the sake of division. Besides that, the paintings of waves always remind him that Indonesia is an archipelago surrounded by the sea. As a maritime country, we will always need t0 face the roar of the waves.
In 1963, while Air Marshall Omar Dhani was in office as Commander of the Indonesian Air Forces, he acquired this painting of waves, done by Trubus Soedarsono. It became a symbol of how President Sukarno looked at the Indonesian archipelago, full of debate and turmoil. Omar Dhani has kept the painting until his death in 2009. Now, over a decade after his death, the painting is placed by his descendants for auction.
oil on canvas
oil on canvas
oil on canvas
oil on canvas