SIDHartA Auctioneer is an official auction that is monitored by the Office of Auctions of the Direktorat Jendral Kekayaan Negara Indonesia. An Auction Registrar is present on behalf of the Office of Auctions to monitor that the auction run properly, provide an official report to the government and ensure that the winning bidders comply with their part, i.e. make payment in full and in due time.

The estimated price range of each lot, printed below the description of each lot, is intended solely to be a guide for prospective buyers. Any bid between the high and the low estimated price range would, in our opinion, offer a fair chance of success in the purchase of the lot. However, all lots, depending on the degree of competition, can realize prices either above or below the estimates. Estimates do not include the Buyer's Premium.

This auction is a regular Continental Style auction. Bidders bid the lots they desire until the highest bid is reached. There is a bidder or buyer’s 22% premium charged on top of hammer price that is to be paid by the winning bidder in addition to the hammer price itself.

You will find the lots to be auctioned in sequence, starting from the lowest number to the highest number. Live online auction usually concludes in 60 minutes.

The estimate price of the piece reflects roughly the current price of the artworks, meaning in normal circumstance, a bidder placing a bid within the range of the estimate should be able to win the lot, unless there is unusual competition. However, depending on demand, a bidder may also be able to win the lot at a price either lower than the low estimate (at the reserve price), or even win the piece at a price higher than the high estimate.

Most of the lots do have a reserve, a minimum limit price at which the owner/vendor of the lot agrees to let go of the lot. Auctioneer is allowed to execute bidding up to the reserve, on behalf of the owner/vendor of the lot. That is what is going on when bidding has started, and the Auctioneer counters the bid by saying that a bid of a certain lot is still "with me". Until bidding reaches the reserve, a lot cannot be considered sold. So a piece is only considered sold if it has already reached the reserve. This reserve can be as low of 0, although we as auctioneers set a limit of Rp. 300.000 as the lowest price of our lots, and as high as the low estimate of the lots.

Bidding does not stop only until the reserve is reached, but it continues until the highest bid has been reached and the auctioneer will count up to three to make sure that there are no more bids. The Auctioneer will strike the hammer strike is to signify that the lot has been sold and call out the paddle number of the bidder and the hammer price. We commonly have Written Bids and Phone Bids. Our operators on the phone will execute bids on behalf of the phone bidders who are monitoring the auction via the phone. Absentee Written Bids have also been placed with the Auctioneer and they have been registered in the auction book.

The Auctioneer will execute them up to the limit that they have provided, and you will also hear that the absentee bid is "with me", and the Auctioneer will indicate that the bid is a Written Bid that is left by an Absentee bidder. So, bidders on the floor will be also competing with Absentee Bidders who have left their bids with us, and phone bidders.

The lot in the auctions are sold as is and condition reposts of each lot is available upon request. You should have consulted the works that you want to buy. If there are certain mistakes in the wording of the information of the lots in the catalog, we will put Sale Room Notices.

Certificates: We are not authorized, do not and will not publish certificates. So unless there is mention of certificates in the auction catalog, please do not expect to obtain any certificates from us.

Our office operates from Tuesday to Saturday; therefore, you should receive the invoice inclusive the 22% premium on Tuesday or Wednesday.

We accept bank transfer and credit card payment, and it is expected to be completed in three days. You may pick up the lots by showing necessary proofs of payment or it can also be delivered at a reasonable extra cost.

Thank you & happy bidding!

SIDHartA Auctioneer

Lelang SIDHartA Auctioneer adalah lelang resmi yang dimonitor oleh Kantor Lelang, Direktorat Jendral Kekayaan Negara Indonesia. Panitera Lelang hadir atas nama Kantor Lelang untuk memantau agar lelang berjalan dengan baik, memberikan laporan resmi kepada pemerintah dan memastikan bahwa pemenang lelang mematuhi kewajibannya, yaitu melakukan pembayaran secara penuh dan tepat waktu.

Lelang ini adalah lelang dengan pedekatan Kontinental regular. Pembeli/penawar menawar lot/karya yang mereka inginkan sampai tawaran tertinggi tercapai. Pembeli/pemenang lelang dikenakan dan harus membayar premi 22% yang dibebankan di atas harga palu disamping harga palu itu sendiri.

Lot karya akan dilelang secara berurutan, mulai dari angka terendah hingga angka tertinggi. Lelang Online berlangsung biasanya dalam 60 menit.

Estimasi harga karya mencerminkan kisaran harga karya seni secara umum saat ini. Artinya dalam keadaan normal, pembeli/penawar yang mengajukan penawaran dalam kisaran estimasi tersebut dapat memenangkan lot, kecuali ada persaingan atau pembeli lainnya dengan penawaran lebih tinggi. Tergantung pada permintaan/demand, pembeli/penawar bisa saja memenangkan lot dengan harga yang lebih rendah dari estimasi bawah (reserve price = dengan harga cadangan), atau bahkan memenangkan lot/karya tersebut diatas harga estimasi atas.

Sebagian besar lot/karya memiliki harga cadangan (reserve price), harga batas minimum di mana pemilik/vendor lot/karya setuju untuk melepaskan lot/karya tsb. Juru Lelang diizinkan untuk melaksanakan penawaran hingga harga cadangan, atas nama pemilik/vendor lot. Itulah yang terjadi saat penawaran telah dimulai dan Juru Lelang membalas tawaran tersebut dengan mengatakan bahwa tawaran dengan lot tertentu masih "dengan saya" or “with me”. Jadi lot/karya baru dianggap terjual jika sudah mencapai harga cadangan. Harga cadangan ini bisa serendah 0, meski kami sebagai juru lelang menetapkan batas Rp. 300.000 sebagai harga terendah lot kami, dan setinggi estimasi bawah lot.

Penawaran tidak berhenti hanya sampai harga cadangan tercapai, tetapi berlanjut sampai penawaran tertinggi tercapai dan Juru Lelang akan menghitung hingga tiga untuk memastikan tidak ada lagi penawaran, lalu mengetuk palu untuk menandakan bahwa lot telah terjual, serta menyebutkan nomor Paddle/peserta penawar dan harga palu. Biasanya kami memiliki Penawaran Tertulis dan Penawaran Telepon. Telepon Operator kami akan melaksanakan penawaran atas nama penawar telepon yang memantau pelelangan melalui telepon. Tawaran Tertulis (absentee bidder) juga disampaikan oleh Juru Lelang dan terdaftar di buku lelang.

Juru Lelang akan menjalankan lelang hingga batas harga yang mereka berikan, dan Anda juga akan mendengar bahwa tawaran Penawar Tertulis adalah "dengan saya" atau “with me”, dan Juru Lelang akan menunjukkan bahwa tawaran tersebut adalah Tawaran Tertulis oleh penawar yang absen. Jadi, para pembeli/penawar dimana pun juga akan bersaing dengan Penawar Absen yang telah menyerahkan tawaran mereka kepada kami dan juga Penawar Telepon.

Lot dalam lelang dijual sebagaimana adanya dan laporan kondisi (condition report) setiap lot tersedia dan dapat diminta. Anda sebaiknya mengkonsultasikan karya yang ingin Anda beli dengan kami. Jika ada kesalahan tertentu perihal informasi lot di katalog, kami akan mencantumkan Pemberitahuan (sales room notice).

Sertifikat: Kami tidak berwenang dan tidak akan menerbitkan sertifikat. Jika sertifikat tidak disebutkan dalam katalog lelang, maka kami tidak menyediakan sertifikat karya.

Kantor kami beroperasi dari Selasa hingga Sabtu. Anda akan menerima faktur termasuk premi 22% pada hari Selasa atau Rabu.

Kami menerima pembayaran transfer bank ataupun kartu kredit. Pelunasan diharapkan selesai dalam tiga hari. Anda dapat mengambil sendiri karya yang sudah dilunasi dengan menunjukkan bukti pembayaran yang diperlukan. Karya dapat dikirimkan sesuai ongkos pengiriman yang berlaku dan disepakati.

Terima kasih & selamat mengikuti lelang kami!

SIDHartA Auctioneer