Page 16 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 16

Artist’s statement: Many factors influence the creation of my work, including internal
       factors and also external factors which become inspiration for controlling thoughts in
       everyday life. This also helps improve the quality of work and also the quality of oneself.
       For me, work is a medium for healing, learning and self-improvement by representing
       the realm of ideas in the realm of reality. I represent this with symbols and bright dark
       lighting, so that later my work can create emotional coherence in myself for reflection
       and learning for both myself and others.

       804                 muhammad aftonul IlmI | (b. Tuban, E. Java, 1997)

                           Snow Globe | 2023 | pencil on canvas
                           50 x 40 cm | √ signed √ dated
                           rp. 5 - 7.500.000 | uS$ 357 - 535
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