Page 33 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 33

Looking at some of his works, it is not only an independent subject that is
        the central point but also exists side by side with other elements. Happy’s
        work is a combination of reflection and contradiction about “self” itself.
        Artist’s statement : “I don’t just paint a picture of something; This work
        is a combination of reflections and contradictions about this “self”. In
        other words, I am a subject but at the same time I can be an object. The
        breadth and depth of the conflict, such as providing a picture of a happy,
        sad and painful reality.”

          819             happy Wahyu fIrdaus | (b. laMongan, E. Java, 1997)

                          Alam Bawah Sadar | 2023 | acrylics on canvas
                          120 x 176 cm | √ signed √ dated
                          rp. 12 - 18.000.000 | uS$ 857 - 1.285
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