Page 42 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 42

Artist’s statement : Each of us cannot be separated from our position in a culture
       where we have arrived. A culture that continuously experiences change, whether
       in the form of incurturation or acculturation, however advanced and civilized a
       culture or culture that respects fellow human beings still leaves something that
       most people consider uncivilized. A culture of fighting, attacking each other, or
       eliminating each other. This is certainly part of the situations that humans always
       face in their existence. In this case, fighting is part of human instinct, fighting as
       a game and humans as players playing the game. However, the problem today is
       that we often use a game as a mode to control our opponent. Not a game as a
       will or a thought to play.

       827                 fadIlah dImas pradana | (b. Malang, E. Java, 1999)

                           Homo Ludens | 2021 | woodcut on canvas
                           70 x 90 cm | √ signed √ dated
                           rp. 4.2 - 6.300.000 | uS$ 300 - 450
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