Page 5 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 5


        Dear Art Lovers & Collectors,

        Welcome to Sidharta Auctioneer ArtFordable Auction special edition, presenting the selected
        artworks by 25 young artists from the peripheral art scenes around East Java, such as Batu,
        Malang and Surabaya, who are the members of Mini Art Malang (MAM) community. We are
        committed to support talented young artists of Indonesia to get exposure from the ecosystem
        in addition to art enthusiasts as well. This collaboration has been made possible through the
        support of IndoArtNow and MAM. You will discover 30 lots of their creations in the first session
        of this auction.

        Aligned with the mission above, our collector from Surabaya intends to auction quite a number
        of paintings by Indonesian artists, among others are by Cak Kandar, Mozes Misdy and Srihady.
        The plan is to channel the proceeds to art related cause. During his life, he had the passion to
        patron and worked closely with Indonesian young artists. He sometimes took them to travel to
        as far as to China, allowing them to immerse and capture the beauty of scenic nature.
        The initiative to carry on his legacy took place March this year, three months before
        visiting MAM event that had been arranged by IndoArtNow in June. Having connected the
        dots, I realized that MAM is the suitable instution to receive the proceeds, which will help to
        further develop and sustain MAM event, specifically in the year 2024.

        Alongside, in the last session, works by senior and reknown late artists are being offered as
        well. The line ups are Arie Smit, Barli, Jeihan, I Dewa Putu Mokoh, Han Snel, Krijono, Maria Tjui,
        Nyoman Gunarsa, Rosar, Popo Iskandar and Tresna. These maestros are the aspiration of
        today’s artists. Their genuine love for art, inspirational works also techniques have inspired
        thousands of young aritsts today and onwards. The auction is also decorated with a few
        vintage selections to add coziness to your personal space.

        Public vieawing begins on the 26th untill 29th of September at Pacific Place Mall, Level 2,
        North Wing Area. Shall you wish to have a private viewing before that period, please come
        by to our gallery at the Darmawangsa Square, Jakarta. We would like to remind you that
        condition reports are available upon request.

        Wish you enjoy our artworks and happy bidding to support Indonesian young artists.

        Warmest regards,

        Syanda Kunto-Prabowo
        CEO & Co-Founder
        Sidharta Auctioneer

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