Page 52 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 52

       SaFtari                                       This painting of wooden matches by Saftari seems
       (b. Payakumbuh, W. Sumatra 1971)              to be a commentary on our own society. He shows
                                                     the matches with their heads having two tones
       Sensitive #3                                  of orange, one darker, and the other brighter,
                                                     almost yellow. This makes the matches appear to
       2008                                          be lit, although it is not certain that they are. One
       oil on canvas
       200 x 200 cm                                  lit match could set th whole set of matches up in
                                                     flames, just like our society.
       signed and dated (lower right):”Saftari ‘08”

       Rp. 14 - 21.000.000
       US$ 1.000 - 1.500

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