Page 8 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 8

                                                   Three women, dressed in colorful traditional
       Sarnadi adam
       (b. Simprug, Jakarta, 1956)                 kebaya top and sarong bottom, appear to be
                                                   carrying baskets full of fish. They seem to be
       Three Women Selling Fish                    leaving the fishermen’s village in the background,
                                                   heading for the market, where they would sell the
       1985                                        fish. Since the 1970s, even Jakarta painters like
       oil on canvas                               Sarnadi Adam adopted decorativism as their
       130 cm x 145 cm
       signed and dated (lower left):              This painting is from the collection of the late
       ”Sarnadi Adam 1985”
                                                   Chairul Sjarfi, the owner of Galeri Saraswati in
       Rp. 8 - 12.000.000                          South Jakarta.

       US$ 571 - 857

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