Page 91 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 91

                                                    Making portraits of men and women was one of
        Bonnet, johan rudoLF
        (Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1895 -          Rudolf Bonnet’s greatest pastimes since his arrival
         Laren, The Netherland, 1978)               in Bali in1929. Later, when he made his return to
                                                    the island 1972, he did not forget his
        Wajan                                       favorite pastime. This portrait of Wayan, a man
                                                    with a frangipani flower in his hair, is among the
        charcoal and crayon on paper                number he did during one of his return visits to
        55 x 37 cm                                  Bali (1972, 1973, 1975 and 1976). Bonnet painted
        Inscribed (lower left): “Wajan” dated and signed:  the Balinese man with dignity. the artist passed away
         “Bali, 1975 R. Bonnet”                     3 years after he completed this work.

        Rp.80 - 90.000.000
        US$ 5.714 - 6.429

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