Page 95 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 95

                                                     In this unique painting, painter and ceramicist Adi
        adi munardi                                  Munardi painted six stems growing from below,
        (Malang, E. Java, 1946 –                     culminating with floral blossom on top. He titles
         Purwakarta, W. Java, 2000)
                                                     the piece: Yang Menjulang (The Rising/Towering
        Yang Menjulang (The Rising/Towering Ones)    Ones).
                                                     This painting is from the collection of the late
        1986                                         human rights activist Rosita Noer. who collected
        pen and ink on paper                         many Balinese related artwork, including the works
        100 x 76 cm
                                                     of Antonio Blanco, Berber Mersad, Huang Fong,
                                                     the unique works by Adi Munardi, the works of IB
        signed and dated (lower left):
        ”Yang Menjulang Adi 1986”                    Said and Rukmini Yusuf, the Islamic related works
                                                     by Achmad Sadali and Jeihan Sukmantoro, and the
        Rp. 3.6 - 5.400.000                          abstract works of Srihadi Soedarsono.
        US$ 257 - 386
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