Page 99 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 99

777                                          Huang Fong mostly paints Balinese women. In this
        huang Fong                                   painting, he painted a rather androgynous figure.
        (Bandung, W. Java, 1935 - 1984)              Although the figure has flowers in his/her hair, it
                                                     is not clear whether the figure is a young girl or a
        Balinese Women                               young boy. Whether the painting is of a young boy
                                                     or a young girl is not relevant. More important, is
        1987                                         that the artist handled the portrayal of the
        oil on canvas
        39 x 30 cm                                   character’s facial features with great sensitivity.
                                                     This painting is from the collection of the late
        signed and dated (lower left):               human rights activist Rosita Noer. who collected
        ”Huang Fong”
                                                     many Balinese related artwork, including the works
                                                     of Antonio Blanco, Berber Mersad, Huang Fong,
        Rp. 8 - 12.000.000                           the unique works by Adi Munardi, the works of IB
                                                     Said and Rukmini Yusuf, the Islamic related works
        US$ 571 - 857
                                                     by Achmad Sadali and Jeihan Sukmantoro, and the
                                                     abstract works of Srihadi Soedarsono.
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