Page 101 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 101

Ahmad Sadali, one of the pioneers of Indonesian
                                                     Abstract art, was also one of the first artists who
        SadaLi, ahmad                                developed a modernist approach in developing
        (Garut, W. Java,  1924 - Bandung, W. Java, 1987)
                                                     Indonesian Islamic art. He presented a modern
                                                     aesthetic distinct from mainstream Western modern
        Abstract Composition
                                                     aesthetic. Within the formalist composition of his
        1984                                         art works, he attempts to evoke emotion, devotion
        mixed media on paper                         as well as reason in an attempt to feature meditative
        43 x 38 cm                                   spirituality, particularly in the Islamic faith. Ahmad
                                                     Sadali is also an academician, an Islamic preacher
        signed and dated (lower right):”Sadali 1984”
                                                     and an activist in the Indonesian movement of
        Rp. 12 - 18.000.000
                                                     This painting is from the collection of the late
        US$ 857 - 1.286                              human rights activist Rosita Noer. who collected
                                                     many Balinese related artwork, including the works
                                                     of Antonio Blanco, Berber Mersad, Huang Fong,
                                                     the unique works by Adi Munardi, the works of IB
                                                     Said and Rukmini Yusuf, the Islamic related works
                                                     by Achmad Sadali and Jeihan Sukmantoro, and the
                                                     abstract works of Srihadi Soedarsono.
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