Page 98 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 98

776                                         Antonio Blanco was famous for his paintings of
       BLanco, antonio                             women, in various nude poses. In this lithograph,
       (Manila, Philippines, 1911 -                he depicted Ridis lying down on her side, propped
       Denpasar, Bali, 1999)
                                                   by some cushions and pillows. On the upper left
                                                   corner of the artwork, is a Balinese mask of a male
       Ridis with Devil Mask
                                                   figure with bulging eyes and a thick mustache,
       1987                                        which the artist calls a Devil Mask. the juxtaposition
       lithograph, edition 5/200                   enhances the exoticism of the imagery.
       25 x 24 cm
                                                   This painting is from the collection of the late
       Signed (lower right):                       human rights activist Rosita Noer. who collected
       ”Antonio Blanco”
                                                   many Balinese related artwork, including the works
       Inscribed on verso certificate authenticity   of Antonio Blanco, Berber Mersad, Huang Fong,
       published by Duta Fine Arts Gallery
       and signed by the artist.                   the unique works by Adi Munardi, the works of IB
                                                   Said and Rukmini Yusuf, the Islamic related works
       Rp. 7 - 10.500.000                          by Achmad Sadali and Jeihan Sukmantoro, and the
       US$ 500 - 750                               abstract works of Srihadi Soedarsono.
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