Page 104 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 104

782                                         Srihadi Soedarsono painted his best abstract
       Srihadi SoedarSono                          landscapes in the 1960s. Here he paints the
       (b. Solo, C. Java, 1931)                    landscape as a dark black ground, with the sunset in
                                                   a bold red. The dark ground of the landscape is not
       Sunset                                      a simple monolithic black, but composed of various
                                                   strokes of black paints, interrupted by some reds
       oil on canvas                               and even white paints on the bottom of the canvas.
       81 x 100 cm                                 This impressive abstract painting comes from the
                                                   collection of the late human rights activist Rosita
       Inscribed on verso “sunset” a
       nd signed and dated: “Srihadi 1967”         Noer. Rosita Noer collected many Balinese related
                                                   artwork, including the works of Antonio Blanco,
       Rp. 180 - 270.000.000                       Berber Mersad, Huang Fong, the unique works by

       US$ 12.857 - 19.286                         Adi Munardi, the works of IB Said and Rukmini
                                                   Yusuf, the Islamic related works by Achmad Sadali
                                                   and Jeihan Sukmantoro, and the abstract works of
                                                   Srihadi Soedarsono.

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