Page 105 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 105

        jeihan Sukmantoro                 oil on canvas                    Rp. Rp. 48 - 72.000.000
        (Solo, C. Java, 1938 -            100 x 140 cm
        Bandung, W. Java, 2019)                                            US$ 3.429 - 5.143
                                          signed and dated (lower left):
        Gadis Berkerudung                 ”Jeihan ‘01”
        (Veiled Woman)                    Inscribed on verso “Gadis
                                          and signed “Jeihan”

        Jeihan was best known for the black eyes in the   She wears a hijab headscarf. Her face is twisted
        figures in his paintings, which initially was a   to her right, and it can be seen by the viewers.
        result of his failure in painting eyes realistically.   Her left hand pesses on the bench on which she
        Later, he realized that the black eyes served as a   sits, while her right hand rests on her lap.
        metaphor. Through the black eyes of the figures
        in his paintings, Jeihan suggests his viewers   This painting, from the collection of the late
        to always keep an open imagination about the   human rights activist Rosita Noer, is quite
        things that could not be reached by the        impressive, due to its large scale. Rosita Noer
        physical reach of humans alone through the     collected many Balinese related artwork,
        open eye and to always look deeper and farther,   including the works of Antonio Blanco, Berber
        like the black hole of the universe.           Mersad, Huang Fong, the unique works by Adi
                In this painting, the young woman he   Munardi, the works of IB Said and Rukmini
        paints sits down with her back towards the view-  Yusuf, the Islamic related works by Achmad
        ers in three quarters view.                    Sadali and Jeihan Sukmantoro, and the abstract
                                                       works of Srihadi Soedarsono.
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