Page 106 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 106

index oF the Artists (the numbers following the artist’s name indicate lot number)
       For the artist' s biographies, please check out our website: or send your
       enquiries to:

       A                                             O
       Ade Artie Tjakra             713              Otto Djaya, R.               745
       Adi Munardi                  772, 773
       Adi Suanjaya “Kencut”, I Putu   738           P
       Adolfs, Gerard Pieter        768              Pirous, Abdul Djalil         767
       Affandi                      770              Rukmini Yusuf                774
       Agus “Baqul” Purnomo         740
       Amrus Natalsya               711              S
       Arie Smit                    769              Sadali, Ahmad                779
       Ayu Arista Murti             741              Sadia, Wayan                 733, 735
                                                     Saftari                      739
       B                                             Said, I.B                    775, 778
       Basoeki Resobowo             748              Salim Martowiredjo           707
       Berber, Mersad               780, 781         Sarnadi Adam                 701
       Blanco, Antonio              776              Sidharta Soegijo, Gregorius     766
       Bonnet, Johan Rudolf         771              Soetopo                      718
       Bonny Setiawan               708              Soki, Ketut                  734
                                                     Sri Warso Wahono             704
       D                                             Srihadi Soedarsono           706, 782
       Dipo Andy                    744              Sudarso                      717
       Dolorosa Sinaga              714              Sudjono Abdullah             746
       F                                             T
       Faizal                       712              Thamrin, Misbach,            743
                                                     Tjakra, I Nyoman             736
       G                                             Tulus Warsito                749
       “Group 18 1971               742
       Gunarsa, Nyoman              710              W
       Gunawan Hanjaya              709              Wianta, I Made               747

       Hanafi                       750
       Huang Fong                   777

       Iwan Sulistyo, J.B           705

       Jeihan Sukmantoro            715, 783

       Kaboel Suadi                 765

       Liem Tjoe Ing                703

       Maria Tjui                   716
       Mokoh, I Dewa Putu           737
       Motinggo Busye               702

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