Page 17 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 17

710                                          Nyoman Gunarsa’s paintings are among the most
        gunarSa, nyoman                              dynamic and expressive portrayal of women in
        (Klungkung, Bali, 1944 - 2017)               Balinese art. What distinguishes him from other
                                                     Balinese artists is his highly individual expressive
        Bali Dancer                                  and dynamic style of painting, which he developed

                                                     since 1970.
        watercolor on paper                                 Gunarsa’s paintings are composed of
        76 x 56 cm                                   various brushstrokes. It seems that initially they are
        signed and dated (lower right):              broad and flat to create shapes or volumes. Then,
        ”artist’s monogram ‘2002”                    later, they become more rapid and energetic to
        Accompanied with a certificate authenticity    accentuate edges and indicate movement. The
        published and signed by Indrawati Gunarsa,
        the wife of the artist                       women in Nyoman’s paintings become a vehicle
                                                     through which he expresses his own explosive
        Rp. 16 - 24.000.000                          artistic energy.
        US$ 1.143 - 1.714
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