Page 22 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 22

713                                         Ngerumpi (gossiping) is one of the favorite
                                                   pastimes of women in Indonesia. In this artwork,
       ade artie tjakra
       (b. Jakarta, 1948)                          the artist presents three figures, each with their
                                                   characteristic personalities.
       Ngerumpi (Gossiping)                        To the artist, ngerumpi is an activity that is s
                                                   uitable for unwinding, a remedy for loneliness, and
       2002                                        at the same time catching up on the latest from our
       copper                                      neighbors. If she were to work on this theme today,
       25 x 45 x 47 cm
                                                   it might be a different image.
       Accompanied with a certificate authenticity   This painting comes from the collection of the late
       published and signed by the artist
                                                   a famous Indonesian lawyer. Her eclectic collection
       Rp. 7 - 10.500.000                          consist of artworks by various Indonesian artists,
                                                   ranging from the more laid back, humorous
       US$ 500 - 750                               artists, like Faizal and Ade Artie Tjakra, to the
                                                   more serious, senior artists, like Dolorosa Sinaga,
                                                   Maria Tjui, Amrus Natalsya, Soetopo, Jeihan
                                                   Sukmantoro, and Sudarso.

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