Page 25 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 25

                                     2000                             Accompanied with a certificate
        jeihan Sukmantoro                                             authenticity published and signed by
        (Solo, C. Java, 1938 -       oil on canvas                    the artist
                                     100 x 100 cm
        Bandung, W. Java, 2019)
                                     signed and dated (upper left):   Rp. 40 - 60.000.000
        Tarni                        ”Jeihan 2000”
                                     inscribed on verso:
                                     “Tarni” and signed:”Jeihan”      US$ 2.857 - 4.286

        Jeihan was best known for the black eyes in the    In this painting, Tami faces the viewer, making
        figures in his paintings, which initially was a   her dark black eyes very prominent.
        result of his failure in painting eyes realistically.   This painting comes from the collection of the
        Later, he realized that the black eyes served as a   late a famous Indonesian lawyer. Her eclectic
        metaphor. Through the black eyes of the figures   collection consist of artworks by various
        in his paintings, Jeihan suggests his viewers to   Indonesian artists, ranging from the more laid
        always keep an open imagination about the things   back, humorous artists, like Faizal and Ade
        that could not be reached by the physical reach of   Artie Tjakra, to the more serious, senior artists,
        humans alone through the open eye and to always   like Dolorosa Sinaga, Maria Tjui, Amrus Natal-
        look deeper and farther, like the black hole of the   sya, Soetopo, Jeihan Sukmantoro, and Sudarso.
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