Page 23 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 23

                                                      doLoroSa Sinaga
                                                      (b. Sibolga, N. Sumatra, 1952)

                                                      The Dancer 5/5

                                                      18 x 13 x 49 cm
                                                      signed and dated: “Dolorosa ‘04”

                                                      Rp. 12 - 18.000.000

                                                      US$ 857 - 1.286

                                                              This painting comes from the collec-
                                                      tion of the late a famous Indonesian lawyer. Her
                                                      eclectic collection consist of artworks by various
        Dolorosa Sinaga is best known as an activist and a   Indonesian artists, ranging from the more laid
        sculptor, and many of her sculptures reflect that.   back, humorous artists, like Faizal and Ade Artie
        This sculpture shows the woman in motion, as if   Tjakra, to the more serious, senior artists, like
        she is performing a dance. The cloths that she is   Dolorosa Sinaga, Maria Tjui, Amrus Natalsya,
        draped in seem to flutter with the motion of the   Soetopo, Jeihan Sukmantoro, and Sudarso.
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