Page 26 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 26

       maria tjui                    2010                            Accompanied with a certificate authenticity
                                                                     published and signed by the artist
                                     oil on canvas
       (Pariaman, W. Sumatra, 1934 -   100 x 100 cm
       Bogor, W. Java, 2016)                                         Rp. 12 - 18.000.000
                                     signed and dated (lower right):
                                     ”Maria Tjui 2010”               US$ 857 - 1.286
       Bali Market
       Maria Tjui is known as one of Indonesia’s great   Some of Maria Tjui’s painting techniques are
       female painters with an elegant style of painting   similar, but in fact she has her own character.
       but daring to play with color. She found a match   Her strokes appear almost as dynamically linear
       with impressionist, and expressionist styles. She   as Affandi’s, but her linear use of wet paints mark
       painted life in small communities such as farmers,   her unique signature style.
       fishermen, and markets.                       This painting comes from the collection of the
       Maria Tjui’s skill in making paintings, is very   late a famous Indonesian lawyer. Her eclectic
       much like Affandi’s, the teacher she admires. Her   collection consist of artworks by various
       style is very similar to Affandi’s painting style. She   Indonesian artists, ranging from the more laid
       also applied wet paints and also paints from tubes   back, humorous artists, like Faizal and Ade Artie
       using a brush to create her expressionistic forms.   Tjakra, to the more serious, senior artists, like
                                                     Dolorosa Sinaga, Maria Tjui, Amrus Natalsya,
                                                     Soetopo, Jeihan Sukmantoro, and Sudarso.
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