Page 59 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 59

                                                     This work is part of the Feminography series, which
        dipo andy                                    tells the story of how men see women from various
        (b. Sumbawa,  W. Nusa Tenggara, 1975)        angles. One of them is patriarchal culture. Space
                                                     restrictions imposed by men or society prevent
        Masculine - Feminine
                                                     women from getting the accessibility and rights they
        2000                                         should receive. Worse, one of the unpleasant
        oil on canvas                                treatment that women gets is sexual violence.
        180 x 150 cm                                 Patriarchy makes it normal for women to become
                                                     sexual objects by men. This means that patriarchy is
        signed and dated (upper middle):”Dipo Andy 2000”
                                                     also a factor that contributes to the perpetuation of
        Rp. 22 - 33.000.000                          sexual violence against women.
        US$ 1.571 - 2.357

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