Page 64 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 64

747                                         Various shapes, colors and forms make up the
       Wianta, i made                              composition of this painting by the late Made
       (Tabanan, Bali, 1949 - Denpasar, Bali, 2020)  Wianta. By juxtaposing the various forms in this
                                                   painting, the artist seemed to be playing and
       Song of Stone #9                            experimenting with planes and dimensionalities,
                                                   with mass and scale.
       2003                                        This painting comes from the collection of the late
       oil on board
       40 x 41 cm                                  Adnan Buyung Nasution, a famous Indonesian
                                                   lawyer and human rights advocate. His select
       signed and dated (lower right)              eclectic collection consists of artworks by
       ”Wianta 2003”
                                                   various Indonesian artists, ranging from the more,
       Rp. 7 - 10.500.000                          humorous artists, like Otto Djaya, to the abstract
                                                   artists like Made Wianta, Tulus Warsito and Hanafi,
       US$  500 - 750
                                                   to the more serious, senior artists, like Sudjono
                                                   Abdullah and Basuki Resobowo.

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