Page 65 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 65

748                                          The painting shows two figures ,one seems to be

        BaSoeki reSoBoWo                             facing something that is indicated by a swirl above,
        (Palembang, S. Sumatra, 1916 -               while the other seems to be facing the other way.
        Amsterdam, The Netherland, 1999)             To their right, is a man and his child. They both
                                                     show sad faces. Below the two figures is a man who
        Puisi Kehidupan (Life Poetry)
                                                     seems to be facing away from the viewer. To his
                                                     right appears a human skull. Painted in silhouette,
        oil on canvas
        89 x 109 cm                                  this figure becomes a symbol, perhaps of us. We
                                                     have witnessed what has happened, now what are we
        signed (lower right):
        ”Resobowo”                                   going to do about it? The painting might refer to
                                                     the atrocities following the abortive coup d’etat in
        Rp. 18 - 27.000.000                          1965, which was blamed on the Communists.
                                                     This painting comes from the collection of the late
        US$ 1.286 - 1.929
                                                     Adnan Buyung Nasution, a famous Indonesian
                                                     lawyer and human rights advocate. His select
                                                     eclectic collection consists of artworks by
                                                     various Indonesian artists, ranging from the more,
                                                     humorous artists, like Otto Djaya, to the abstract
                                                     artists like Made Wianta, Tulus Warsito and Hanafi,
                                                     to the more serious, senior artists, like Sudjono
                                                     Abdullah and Basuki Resobowo.
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