Page 66 - Sidharta Auctioneer
P. 66

      tuLuS WarSito                 oil on canvas                 Rp.10 - 15.000.000
      (b. Sragen, C. Java, 1953)    99 x 99 cm                    US$ 714 - 1.071
                                    signed and dated (lower
      Batik                         middle):”Tulus.W ‘98”

       Many of Tulus Warsito’s works are inspired   This difference in tone produces the image as if it
       by the art of batik painting. For this painter,   were an object and its shadow. This optical illu-
       batik looks very special. He is very observant in   sion of space is the trademark of Tulus Warsito in
       responding to the appearance of batik or    presenting the subject of batik and ornamentation
       ornamentation and is moved to create an     in his works.
       appearance that is different from the usual.   This painting comes from the collection of the late
       The image of a flat subject of ornament is   Adnan Buyung Nasution, a famous Indonesian
       transformed into an image that offers       lawyer and human rights advocate. His select eclec-
       imaginary space. Innovatively, Tulus creates a   tic collection consists of artworks by various
       three-dimensional impression for his subject   Indonesian artists, ranging from the more,
       matter. As seen in this work, the lines and dots   humorous artists, like Otto Djaya, to the abstract
       are lightly colored followed by an identical   artists like Made Wianta, Tulus Warsito and Hanafi,
       shape with a nearby dark color.             to the more serious, senior artists, like Sudjono
                                                   Abdullah and Basuki Resobowo.
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